
Advertising on Relavanti.com

Type of Advertisement

You can choose to advertise your service or product with text or a banner.
Targeting Your Audience

Targeting Your Audience

You can target your audience according to the user’s location (global, country, city) and/or according to the location(s) searched by the user:
In a specific country (i.e., a location in Greece).
In a specific city (i.e., a location in Mumbai).
Within a specified radius around a specific address, Lat/Lon coordinates or node of transportation, such as an airport (i.e., within 100 km radius of the Eiffel Tower or Tilbury Port).
Within an area defined by four sets of Lat/Lon coordinates.
Targeting Your Audience

Advertising in Nodes

A node is defined as a point of transportation: seaports, rail and bus stations and airports. The nodes are displayed to the user first as a listing and with more information when clicking to see the “Details” of each node in the list. You can advertise at nodes in several ways:
In the list view, as part of the node information.
In the specific node details area (when the user clicks on “Details”).
In the details of a Terminal at a specific node (i.e., when the user looks at the details of Terminal 5 at JFK International Airport).


Pricing for advertisements depends on many factors. Please send an
email to discuss your specific needs or interests.

Future Advertising Opportunities

As Relavanti.com adds functionality, more targeted advertising opportunities
will become available.
For answers to questions, pricing or more information, please email