
Welcome to Relavanti.

Watch a video about Relavanti.


Scopia LLC is a travel and tourism company based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Relavanti is a product of Scopia LLC currently in development. We create B2C, B2B and B2B2C travel search solutions powered by holistic relevance.

What is Holistic Relevance?

Holistic relevance is our "secret ingredient", and it refers to the use of static and dynamic data to mimic the way people search for travel solutions and plan trips. It allows the user to search for trip elements (flight, cruise, etc.) in a non-linear manner, looking at each location or trip element from multiple angles. The benefits include reduced search time, increased conversion and greater accuracy in advertising. Where we don't have our own data, we use data from third parties via API's or static databases.

Combining Holistic Relevance with AI

These days, we are testing initial integration of some simple AI functions on the Relavanti front end. As we progress in time, the plan is to add AI for multimodal input, fill informational gaps, make internal processes more efficient, and several other functions. The goal is to implement AI in a manner that is useful and helpful.

Our Core Products:

Our core products concentrate around "the journeys to and from the book button":

(1) The Journey to the Book Button: the searching for - and exploration of - each trip element from multiple angles, until clicking on the book button.

(2) The Journey from the Book Button: Once an element (flight, cruise, event, hotel, etc.) of a trip has been booked, it sets an "anchor" around which more services can be searched and booked.

To make these journeys more efficient and (for agencies) more profitable, we are developing B2C, B2B and B2B2C tools powered by Relavanti's holistic relevance platform. These tools are - or will be - designed for multiple use cases and markets.

Our First Product to Market:

Our first product to market is Relavanti Events. It's a free platform where anyone can quickly and easily create a dedicated travel website for any event, such as weddings, class reunions, festivals, etc. You can see a demo event here. If anyone needs to travel to your event, this is for you!

Welcome. It's good to have you with us.